How to Add Bitcoin Support to WordPress & WooCommerce

We hear a lot about Bitcoin and other digital currencies these days. It is a decentralized digital currency based on an open-source approach. Bitcoins can be exchanged locally and internationally. As Wikipedia explains it:

Bitcoin is not managed like typical currencies: it has no central bank or central organization. Instead, it relies on an internet-based peer-to-peer network. The money supply is automated and given to servers or “bitcoin miners” that confirm bitcoin transactions as they add them to a decentralized and archived transaction log approximately every 10 minutes.

Many merchants have started accepting Bitcoin as an alternative method of payment. If you run an e-commerce site, you may want to consider accepting Bitcoins to attract more customers. WooCommerce BitPay is one of the plugins you can use to support Bitcoin payments on your website.

In order to use this plugin, you need to have WooCommerce installed and active. BitPay is a Bitcoin payment gateway for your site. It is fairly easy to customize. Users can change title, description, email, and other options from the settings page. This plugin is especially useful for sites who do business in various countries. I do encourage you to enable logging for a while to keep track of events.

Accepting Bitcoin may or may not grow your business. It is worth testing though. I do encourage you to get yourself familiar with Bitcoin and how it works before even attempting to use a plugin such as this one.

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