How to Add Ads To Old WordPress Posts

Many of us rely on ads to make money and keep our business afloat. It should not be the only way you make money. Having said that, you can earn a decent amount of money from advertisements if your site gets a lot of traffic on a monthly basis. Not surprisingly, many folks don’t like to visit sites that show ads. One way to get around that is by showing ads only on older pages. Ads for Old Posts is a WordPress plugin that lets you insert ads into your older posts.

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This plugin lets you choose the position of your ads and change CSS settings from the options page. You can define the minimum age of posts that will have ads. Want to insert ads inside your posts? Just use the “afop” shortcode to get the job done. You can add AdSense ads, affiliate offers from sites such as Amazon, and even private ads to this plugin.

ads to old postsads to old posts

Ads For Old Posts lets you limit ads on your website by post age. It simply does what it promises.

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