Whether you are starting a new blog, redesigning your old one, or just planning to sell your first product online, you need to start creating buzz for your product as you put the final touches in the background. Having a “coming soon” page up and running for your website would certainly help. Anticipate is a simple but good looking plugin for WordPress that serves an alternate “coming soon” page to your visitors as you work on getting your product ready for launch.
Anticipate may look like a theme but it is actually a plugin. It does give you the chance to choose which pages you’d like to see in your front page’s jQuery slider. It also has an e-mail section for you to start gathering leads even before your website goes completely live.
You also have the option to add your RSS feed, Twitter account, and Facebook URL to this plugin. Your logo and tag line can be changed from the options page as well. The completed % is quite a useful feature too.
If you intend to do a major redesign to your website or launch a brand new product, Anticipate can be quite a useful tool to avoid turning off your audience while you put the final touches to your product.