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WordPress Themes

HC: WordPress Theme for Dentists and Medical Professionals

It is a no brainer that almost all businesses need to have an online presence these days. If you want your business to grow and reach more people, you should invest some time and money to develop a professional website for your venture. That applies to dentists and medical professionals. An ugly or buggy website could turn off your first time visitors and drive people to other businesses. The HC theme is an attractive one-page WordPress template designed for dentists and doctors.

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HC has a very clean and professional design. It may not be too flashy but has what you need to build a respectable presence for your business. The theme is fully responsive and ready to be localized. HC is powered by jQuery and lets you share your business information, services you offer, your team information, and photos with the world. You can even maintain a side-blog. The theme is ZillaSocial ready.


HC is not only easy to install but also simple to maintain. It has auto theme-updates, so you won’t have to suffer to get the latest version of the theme. It does offer Google Analytics integration (though that is pretty much expected nowadays). This theme is ready to be branded also. HC may not be too flashy but works just fine for dental and medical sites.

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