Planning to bring your business site online or give it an attractive makeover? There are plenty of shiny premium themes you can buy to get started. Not all those themes have well-established and truly tested frameworks behind them. Thesis and Genesis frameworks are certainly well-established and highly versatile. You are going to need a decent child business theme to build your site with these frameworks though. The Grind theme could be what you need.
The Grind theme works with Genesis and Thesis frameworks. It has a fully responsive design and will work just fine on iPhone and iPads. An attractive slider is included so you can promote your favorite products. A landing page template is included too. 7 different design schemes are available. Want to add Twitter and Flickr content to your site? Grind has custom widgets for those.
Grind does support a side-blog. The short-codes included are pretty useful too. Users can also add and maintain their own portfolio using this theme. You are going to need the latest version of Thesis 1.x or Genesis to get started with this template. This is one of the better looking Thesis / Genesis child business themes we have seen so far.