Social Media
The Mother of All Google+ WordPress Plugins Lists
Google+ is one exciting social network to be a part of. There are plenty of awesome people available on the site. Google has gone out of its way to integrate Google+ into the services it offers. Being involved on the site might help you improve your rankings and take your business to the next level.
Adding Google+ to WordPress does not have to be a challenge. There are plenty of ways to make your site Google+ friendly. These WordPress plugins allow you to fully integrate Google+ with WordPress:
AuthorSure: implements Google Authorship on your website. It connects your posts, archives, authors pages, Google Plus profiles and Google Plus pages.
Google Plus Favicon: generates a G+ favicon for your blog and admin pages using your Google+ account.
Plus One: a simple plugin that adds Google+’s +1 button to your website. It does allow you to modify the behavior of the button.
Google +1 Content Locker: locks certain segments of your content and shows them only to folks who +1 your articles.
WPGPlus: allows you to send your WordPress posts to Google+ as soon as they are published.
Top Social Share Posts: this plugin tracks and updates your social stats for each post. It lets you display your top posts by share count for each network.
Google Plus to Download: this is useful if you want to offer free files/templates/goodies to your visitors but would like to get some +1s in return.
Google+ Importer: would you like to import your Google+ posts to WordPress? This plugin has you covered. It lets you assign a category for your G+ posts too.
Google+ Crossposting: another useful script you can take advantage of to add your public Google+ posts to your WordPress site.
Viral Content: a super useful plugin for e-commerce sites. It lets you give your customers a discount for their Facebook likes, tweets, and +1s.
WP Google Plus Connect: connects your website “directly” to Google+ and lets your visitors log in using their Google+ credentials.
Floating Social Media Icon: adds all kinds of social buttons to your website. It has plenty of styles and is highly customizable.
WordPress Social Stream: a superb plugin that combines social network interactions into one single network stream. It supports Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and many other social networks.
WP Google+1: adds Google+ to your website and implements Authorship on it. It is fairly customizable.
BuddyPress Google Plus: perfect for those of you who are using BuddyPress to run your own social community. This allows your members to display their Google+ profiles.
Easy Google+ Widget: a simple widget that displays your public posts on Google+ in your sidebar.
Exit Through Google +1: reminds your visitors to send you some Google+ love before leaving your website through a link.
Async Social Sharing: this script loads sharing scripts asynchronously after page loads to make your site run faster.
Google Traffic Pop: forces your visitors to wait a few seconds before being able to visit your site or they can just +1 your post to get to your posts immediately.
Google+ is here to stay. You are going to need great content for your site to go viral on Google+. Making your site Google+ friendly with the above plugins could only improve your chances.
Your turn: what are your favorite Google+ plugins for WordPress?

JTPratt Media
July 13 at 9:24 am
Nice list – I think Google+ is underused, for sure. Seems like Facebook and Twitter always get used first.