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Wordpress Plugins

Promote Your Content with These Flyout Box Plugins for WordPress

As a webmaster, you should do your very best to offer your readers great content at all times. That alone is not going to guarantee that people will find your best content. You should promote your work aggressively on your website. One way to do that is by showing related or recent posts in a flyout box when your visitors reach a certain point on each page (similar to something the NYTimes used to do). These 5 plugins allow you to promote your content more effectively and get more of your visitors familiar with your past work:


nrelate Flyout: one of the plugins we have been using to promote our own content. Displays related content on your pages in a flyout box to reduce your bounce rate.


upPrev: similar to the previous plugin, this script lets you show previous (in category, tag) or random posts to your visitors. It is compatible with YARPP (which we do not recommend).

hiddne box

Ninja Kick Sidebar: this plugin adds a hidden sidebar with content push animation effect on every page on your website. You can do a lot of neat things with a script like this.


Advanced Post Navigator: adds interactive Next & Previous buttons to posts and pages. It has multiple arrow and bubble styles. Keyboard navigation is supported.


Next Post Fly Box: creates navigation between next and previous posts as a floating pop-up box on the left or right side of the screen. It supports custom post types and categories. It is slick and jQuery powered.

These plugins allow you to promote your previous articles and get people to stay on your website longer. Don’t expect a miracle but these plugins are well worth testing.

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  1. Lea

    June 25 at 7:38 pm

    nrelate Flyout:
    Plugin is no more!

    • Cyrus

      June 26 at 12:44 pm

      Yes. Sorry. The post is a bit old. We will update with new plugins soon.

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