15+ Must See Post Thumbnail & Featured Image WP Plugins

Tip: 20 ways to drive more traffic to your site

Many WordPress webmasters use commercial magazine themes or other dynamic templates with fancy featured image options these days. Adding a new featured image to your posts is very easy but these clever featured image plugins for WordPress let you do more:

External Featured Images: these plugins allow you to use an external image not hosted on your server as your featured image.

Auto Post Thumbnail PRO: have you ever forgotten to set a featured image for your posts? Thanks to this plugin, you won’t have to worry about that. It sets the first image as your featured image. It can also grab images from videos.

Automatic Featured Images from Videos: a featured image plugin for video blogging sites. It automatically grabs the thumbnail of the main video in each post.

Multiple Featured Images: these post thumbnail plugins allow you to select more than one featured image per post. Useful for advanced magazine themes and viral sites.

Auto Featured Image from Title: this plugin auto-generates featured images for your posts using their title and content.

Multiple Post Thumbnails: another plugin that lets you attach multiple thumbnails to a post type.

Featured Image Generator: this plugin searches for free license photos you can use as featured image on your own site. It lets you import them with just a click. It has basic photo editing functions too.

Featured Image by URL: another plugin that lets you simply set a featured image for a post by providing a direct URL to an image. It is compatible with WooCommerce too.

Minimum Featured Image Size: lets you set min/exact width and height for your featured images. It can alert users when an image is not large enough. Supports the Gutenberg editor.

Quick Featured Images: helps you manage a ton of featured images faster. It lets you set, replace, and delete thumbnails in bulk. Allows you to set a default featured image for future posts.

Featured Audio: ideal for podcasting websites. It allows you to feature audio files on posts and pages.

WP Random Post Thumbnails: as the name suggests, this plugin lets you upload a set of images and have them displayed at random on posts without a featured image.

Regenerate Thumbnails: has over 1+m active installs at the time of this writing. It lets you regenerate thumbnail sizes for images in your Media Library.

Drag & Drop Featured Image: this featured image plugin saves you time by allowing you to drag & drop files on your Set Featured Image box.

Featured Image Reminder: many of us are guilty of forgetting to set a featured image for every post we publish. This plugin simply reminds you to do so.

Have you found better post thumbnail WordPress plugins? Please share them here.

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