eVid Premium Video Blogging Theme

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I don’t know about you, but I am a sucker for videoblogging themes. There is just something so attractive about the whole videoblogging issue that makes me a bit biased towards these themes. evid is the latest theme by elegantthemes that is designed for super videobloggers. In a glimpse, it is attractive and has everything videobloggers need to succeed.

eVid video-blogging theme comes with a news slider that allows you to feature your best WordPress video posts and allow your readers to slide through them. Call to action is built in, encourgaing folks to follow to your video page. The post pages all come with the below video player which not only is attractive but makes it easy for folks to embed your videos on their sites.

The main page also comes with proper ad places, which means you can easily monetize your videoblog. In addition, you get a recent news and videos section that you can use to get your visitors to go through your posts more easily.

Overall, eVid is an extremely attractive videoblogging theme, and it does come with the Photoshop files you need to modify the theme as you wish. You can get eVid theme and a selection of other themes on elegant themes. Here are some of the features in summary:

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