EventBuilder: Event Directory Theme for WordPress

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Online directories used to be very popular a few years ago. Things have changed a lot in this space, but niche directories are still somewhat popular. There are already various sites and apps you can rely on to find interesting events in your area. Want to build your own directory? EventBuilder can help. It is a premium theme designed for event directories. It lets your visitors add events and sell tickets.


EventBuilder lets your visitors search and publish events in your directory. You can define your own pricing plans and get paid via PayPal or Stripe. The theme is responsive and ready for mobile devices. It comes wit 17 custom page templates, 4 custom widgets, and various pages for event categories and locations.

event builder

The Ticket Tailor plugin lets your visitors sell tickets directly on their event’s page. You have the option to customize its review system from the back-end. EventBuilder is compatible with Ninja Forms, Gravity Forms, and Contact Form 7. It also has a mega-menu system. This is a premium theme from an Elite Author.

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