3 Ways to Add Your Etsy Products to WordPress

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Etsy is a wonderful place to look for handmade products. There are plenty of amazing shops available on the site. If you sell your products on Etsy, you may want to consider adding your products to your site. Here are 3 ways to do just that:


Etsy360 WordPress Shop Plugin: lets you display your Etsy shop listings on your website. It gives your website an e-commerce look. Your site updates in real-time.


Etsy Importer: allows you to import your Etsy shop’s inventory into WordPress as posts. You can add price, product link and other information to posts. This was a bit of hit or miss for us.

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Etsy Mini: Etsy Mini gives you a way to add your shop to your website. You just go to your shop and find your Etsy Mini link.

Etsy is a wonderful website for selling and buying unique products. The above scripts and tools enable you to add your Etsy products to WordPress easily.

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