Enhanced Linking: Enhance Insert/Edit Link Dialog in WordPress

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Anyone who has used WordPress even for a couple of days has seen the Insert/edit Link dialog box. It is what you can use to add links to your posts or pages easily. This box lets you find and link to your own content easily. But what if you are interested in linking to third-party sources from your website to provide your visitors with more value? Enhanced Linking is just the plugin for the job. It adds two new options to WordPress to help you find and add related links to your posts easily.

Enhanced Linking allows you to add related and complementary articles to your content without having to leave your website. You can use the “Search the Web” option to find articles using Bing. The Related Articles option is powered by Zemanta. You can make final changes to link URL and title before adding it to WordPress.

Linking to other websites who have great content is a great idea. Webmasters for the sites you link to may even link back to you. Besides, linking to authority sources provides more value to your visitors. Thanks to Enhanced Linking, you will have an easier time finding and linking to your or other people’s works.

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