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Wordpress Plugins

7 Dribbble Plugins for WordPress

Dribbble does not need any introduction for designers and creative agencies. It is a community to use to showcase your work and see what other designers have to offer. Designers who have sites to promote their work online should consider integrating Dribbble with their site. These 7 Dribbble plugins can handle the job:

🛠️ Divi Builder drag & drop page builder for WP

ZillaDribbbler: uses the Dribbble API to pull your most recent posts from the community and load them on your site.

Brankic Photostream Widget: more than just a Dribbble plugin, this script also shows photos from Flickr, Pinterest, and Instagram on your site.

SlideDeck 2: a dynamic plugin that lets you create content sliders for WordPress, Twitter, Dribbble, and other sites.

WP Dribbble Shots: returns the latest shots of a Dribbble user on your website. It has a widget too.

Social Network Tabs: another plugin that adds social network tabs to your site. It offers support for 17 social networks and has 49 feed options.

WordPress Social Stream: it combines all your social network interactions into one network stream and displays them on your site. It provides support for 15 social networks and has 60 feed options.

SocialBox: adds slick social widgets to your site, displaying the number of your likes, followers, and subscribers. The update interval is configurable.

What are your favorite Dribbble plugins for WordPress?

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