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3 Ways To Add Donate-To-Japan Call to WordPress

Japan has been devastated with the earthquakes, tsunami, and all the nuclear issues its people has had to deal with. It is quite heart-breaking to see such a developed country go through these moments. If you have a WordPress blog with a decent number of visitors, there is no reason you should not add a “donate-to-Japan” call to action to your website. Here are 3 ways to do it without touching your code:

20+ WordPress Plugins for membership sites

Japan Disaster Appeal: it puts a donate to Japan call to action on the top of your WordPress site. Your visitors can donate through World Vision, Red Cross, or All Hands Volunteers.



Japan Red Cross Donations: adds a 75px long banner to the top of your WordPress site. A good way to grab the attention of your visitors.

Donate to Japan for Wibiya: those of you who are taking advantage of Wibiya on your WordPress site can just add Donate to Japan app to your toolbar. That’s all it takes. This app has buttons in many languages, so it is useful for international sites too.

Of course, you can always add your own HTML banner to your website to encourage folks to donate to Japan. The above scripts just simplify the process.


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