We use Random Posts plugins to display interesting articles that we have worked on in the past to our visitors. That has helped us get more pageviews and keep people on our site for longer. Making your posts as Twitter friendly as possible can help your cause too. Display Random Post as Tweet is a simple plugin that gives you a random post in a tweetable format.
This plugin could be a whole lot better but it is the idea behind it that’s intriguing. It lets you choose your content type and show a post in tweetable format on a page of your choosing. The page you choose will include page title, its short-link, plus its category as a #hashtag. Each of these entries are ready to be tweeted.
I would love to have a way to show more than one random post per page. Being able to filter content by category or tab would be nice. Having more control over templates would be sweet too. If you know your way around PHP, there is no reason you can’t add those features to the code on your own. The idea is pretty solid though.