How to Select Different Themes for Different WordPress Pages

๐Ÿ“Œ MemberPress: advanced WordPress plugin for subscriptions & membership sites

Many of us are used to relying on one theme for all pages on our site. But what if you are interested in using different themes for different pages? jonradio Multiple Themes is just the plugin for the job. It provides you with various ways to select which theme should appear where on your site. You can target pages by URL, keyword, prefix URL, and more.

The plugin has a fairly user-friendly back-end that allows you to target different pages with different themes. You can define site aliases, add your keyword, select a theme for all pages, play around with override settings, and do a whole lot more with this plugin. The plugin has not been tested with every theme but should work with the most popular WordPress templates.

The plugin is not perfect. You may end up having to deal with caching issues depending on how your site is set up. Not all premium themes may be fully compatible with this plugin. This is still worth testing if you need to use different themes on different pages though.

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