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5 Demo Plugins for WordPress

Whether you are a theme/plugin developer selling premium products online or just interested in testing your ideas, you are going to need demo content. You wouldn’t want to create users, pages, and posts manually. These 5 demo plugins can help automate the process:


WP Ultimate Demo: lets you create a demo website for your customers to try themes and plugins. The auto cleanup feature will take your website back to its original settings.


Plugin Demo: this plugin lets your visitors try your script before buying. You will be able to customize the login page, dashboard, and other settings. Cleaning your site’s data using this script is easy too.


FakerPress: this plugin lets you generate fake content for your site to test out ideas. It covers posts, meta data, users, tags, comments, and other data types.


WP Example Content: lets you add or remove example post content to help you test your themes.


Demo Bar: display a demo bar for testing different themes. You can display a purchase button on it.

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