5 Cool WordPress Theme Detectors

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Have you ever looked at a WordPress site wondering what theme it is based on? There are ways to hide that information but many webmasters don’t do that. You can rely on these WordPress theme detectors to spy on others and find out more about their themes and designers:

What WordPress Theme Is That: this tool is fast and shows you the theme and plugins the site you have provided it uses.

What Theme: a pretty simple tool that looks up the theme your favorite website is using. It offers you a link to that very theme, so you can get it. It does use affiliate links, but it’s a pretty creative way to make money finding WordPress themes.

WP Theme Detector: not as fast as the first tool we covered, but WP Theme Detector shows you theme information, its popularity, and plugins a given site is using.

Theme Sniffer: an extension for Chrome that detects the template or theme used on Joomla or WordPress sites.

SpyBar: this is available for Chrome and Firefox. It detects WordPress themes and plugins quickly. It does not show everything but still helps.

Have you found better WordPress theme detection tools? Please share them here.

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