Wordpress Plugins
3 Awesome Content Slider Plugins for WordPress
If you have visited sites such as NYTimes.com recently, you have probably noticed the content sliders they use at the bottom of their pages to get people to stay on for longer. There are plenty of plugins you can install to have similar features on your own site. Here are 3 WordPress plugins that add content sliders and flyout boxes to your website:
SimpleReach Slide: adds a cool related post box to the bottom of your page. It can keep your visitors on your site for longer.
upPrev for WP: this plugin shows your previous posts at the bottom of your page. You can use it to show posts based on category, tag, or by random. Offers support for YARPP.
nrelate Flyout: displays related content in a cool flyout box. nrelate is a pretty awesome related plugin on its own. This one takes it a step further.
If you are interested in adding a sliding content box similar to that of NYTimes.com’s to your website to make your site more interactive, the above plugins have you covered.