Clone Twitter on Your WordPress Blog with Fresh Tweet

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Twitter is one of the top social networking sites on the web. Anybody who’s been involved with blogging for a while has heard and tried Twitter before. It’s truly a great place to meet new people, find new ideas, and develop new connections and businesses. And now thanks to Fresh Tweet, you can duplicate the look and feel of Twitter on your WordPress blog. Fresh Tweet is a Twitter clone WordPress theme that is easy to install and helps you show your love for Twitter and what it stands for.

Fresh Tweet is not only lightweight but easily customizable. Once you install Fresh Tweet, you are going to see the similarities that it has to Twitter. But of course you’ll have your blog posts instead of tweets. Just like Twitter, you get one sidebar, on the right side of your screen. You can use it to push your ads on and monetize your blog. You can also change the look and feel of the theme so easily as the code is not particularly complicated.

Your posts pages are not too complicated either. You can easily add your images and social media icons to the end of each post without too much trouble. You can also customize your logo and other aspects of your theme fast. What I like about this theme is that it gives you the ability to create a socialize page that lets you readers get involved and leave you their thoughts and questions (just like Twitter).

All in all, Fresh Tweet is the unofficial Twitter WordPress Theme. It’s well-designed and lightweight and gets the job done. If you are a Twitter junkie, you are going to love Fresh Tweet (it’s free too).

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