Clone Facebook On Your WordPress Blog

👇 Currently Trending Themes

Facebook is one of the hottest properties on the Internet these days. Millions of people use it to communicate with their friends and colleagues and connect with others online. But what if you are not in love with Facebook but want to clone its design on your WordPress blog? That’s exactly what you can do with Crybook theme. It’s an amazingly identical clone of Facebook that lets you start your very own blog with the look and feel of Facebook. Furthermore, it’s so flexible you can go beyond what’s offered on Facebook to make your blog look unique to your visitors.


CryBaby also allows you to change the color and look and feel of the website fast. You can choose your favorite color by taking advantage of the color picker feature at the top right side of your theme. You get 5 colors to choose from. The logo can be easily changed as well. The theme also supports threaded comments and has an integrated feed counter to help you keep track of your subscribers easily.

The custom admin panel is easy to use as well, and you can also manage your AdSense and analytics codes easily on this theme. Overall, if you are looking for a free, SEO-friendly theme that looks awfully close to Facebook, you ought to give CryBaby a try. It’s the cheapest way to clone Facebook!

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