Writing great content for your website is one away to grow your audience. You will need to do more than that to retain your readers. Showing your visitors other great content you have written is one way to do that. These 6 clever random posts plugins can help with that:
Redirect URL to Post: a random post plugin that redirects your visitors to a random post, your latest post, or your first post. It offers caching for better performance.
Recent Posts Widget Extended: this plugin display posts by date, comment count or randomly. It supports custom CSS.
Infinite Scroll Random Post: this plugin adds an infinite scroll effect to your pages, loading the next article when your readers reach to the bottom of your pages.
WP Random Post Inside: this plugin shows a random post inside each article. You can customize icon, allowed post types, colors and other settings in the back-end.
Random Post on Refresh: this plugin displays a random post on every page load. Simply add its shortcode where you want your post to disappear. Lets you exclude specific posts.
Random Content: another plugin that lets you display a random post on your site using a shortcode or widget. You can group random content together. You can also change the number of posts to show.
Have you found better random posts plugins for WordPress? Please share them here.