How to Enable Mod_Deflate Gzip Compression in WHM/cPanel
March 11In the past few months, we have covered plenty of tips on how to speed up...
Widget Visibility Time Scheduler: Make WP Widgets Visible Based On Date
March 10Many of us use WordPress widgets to add content blocks to our websites. You wouldn’t want...
5 Exit-intent Popup Plugins for WordPress
March 9In the past few months, we have covered plenty of popup plugins that allow you to...
2 Custom Function Plugins for WordPress
March 5Those of you who know a thing or two about WordPress development have probably used custom...
WP Total Hacks: Customize WordPress Fast
March 4In the past few years, we have covered many time-saving WordPress tips and plugins. Even if...
5 WordPress Plugins to Rotate Tweets, Posts, Testimonials
March 3If you produce lots of content on a daily basis, chances are your loyal readers will...
App Store Box: Fancy Review Box Plugin for iOS & Mac Apps
March 2The app business has matured over the past few years. There are still many sites that...