3 Plugins To Duplicate WordPress Menus
February 6Have you ever wanted to clone a WordPress menu and preserve its structure completely? Doing it...
iPhotor Image Editor for WordPress
February 5Have you ever uploaded photos to your website and wished there was a way to apply...
Booking Calendar for WordPress
February 4Many small businesses set a strict limit on the number of customers they would like to...
Status Tracking for WordPress: Let Customers Track Orders / Projects
February 3Whether you are a freelancer doing projects for your customers or a small shop selling handmade...
Vulnerability Alerts: Scan WordPress for Vulnerabilities
February 2Have you ever had your site hacked due to running outdated or vulnerable plugins and scripts?...
Scrapes: Web Scraper for WordPress
February 1Plenty of people associate web scraping with shady practices. It is possible to use web scrapers...
Access Watch: Security Plugin for WordPress
January 30Popular WordPress websites are a victim of brute force attacks, spam, and malicious requests all the...