Modal Survey: Survey Builder for WordPress
August 28Polls, surveys and quizzes are useful tools to use to increase user engagement on your website....
3 Bitcoin Donation Plugins for WordPress
August 27Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have gotten a lot of coverage in the media. Those who know...
MeMeMe: Meme Maker for WordPress
August 26Memes are everywhere these days. Not all memes go viral but those that do can bring...
Convert YouTube Videos to WordPress Posts: 5 Plugins
August 25YouTube is a goldmine of powerful videos if you know where to find them. You can...
3 Temporary Downloads Plugins for WordPress
August 24Many of us have uploaded files for our visitors to download. You may want to make...
WP Chatbot: Build Chatbots for WordPress Sites
August 24Chatbots keep getting smarter. You can now add them to your website without a huge upfront...
Real Estate Manager Plugin for WordPress
August 23There are many real estate themes that allow professionals to build an impressive online presence for...