How to Integrate Salesforce with WordPress: 7 Plugins
February 18Salesforce shouldn’t need any introduction. Plenty of businesses rely on its services for customer relationship management....
Unique Title Checker for WordPress
February 17Those of you who know your SEO know the importance of using unique titles and content...
Reactive Mortgage Calculator for WordPress
February 16In the past few years, we have covered a whole host of calculators for WordPress. If...
Loan Repayment Calculator for WordPress
February 15Plenty of people have loans and long-term mortgages or thinking about taking on one to buy...
2 IBM Watson Assistant Plugins for WordPress
February 13IBM Watson should not need any introduction. Most of us have seen commercials about it in...
How to Import & Sync Shopify with WordPress & WooCommerce
February 12Those of you who have experience selling your own products online have probably tried or given...
Coinbase Commerce for WooCommerce: Accept Bitcoin Payments
February 11So you would like to make your store stand out by accepting cryptocurrency payments? Coinbase Commerce...