Build Your Sports Blog with Playmaker 3

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I have to admit that I am a big fan of soccer, and there was a time that I was seriously thinking about starting my own soccer website. Unfortunately, my times doesn’t allow me to support yet another blog, so I decided to leave the job to professionals. But if you are looking to start your own soccer or any other sports website on WordPress, PlayMaker 3 is a cool premium theme that comes in handy.

Playmaker 3 is a portal WordPress theme that is designed specifically for people who want to start their own sports blog. And I am not talking about just any kind of blog. I am talking about a blog that is full of images, videos, and other media files.

Playmaker 3 is not only very attractive but very easy to customize as well. You’ve got to love the smart adsense integration that makes it easy to get higher click-through rates on your sports blog. The theme is video ready as well, so you can embed your YouTube and other videos into your sidebar.

I like the fact that the menu items are dynamic. It certainly gives a more professional look to the theme. A shoutbox (chat system) is also integrated into the theme, so you can chat those rabid sports fans from around the world without having to write a line of code. The theme is cheap too! It’s going for only $37 currently, which is dirt cheap for such a sophisticated theme. So if you are looking to start a sports blog, Playmaker 3 is a dynamic, affordable option to go with.

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