You may not be looking to make a lot of money from your personal website. That does not mean you should not invest in a decent theme for it. Even if your personal website is too informal, you still want to make people want to check your site out without getting frustrated with your design. Glider for WordPress is a clean theme that lets you give your personal website a make-over and share your content with the world more effectively.
Glider for WordPress allows you to host your portfolio and blog on your website. It has 5 unique color schemes and can handle all your images (automated thumbnail resizing is supported). The design may not be too fancy but it’s clean and enables your visitors to find what they are looking for fast.
The gallery option is pretty nice, especially if you tend to take a lot of pictures. There is a reason this theme is called Glider. When your visitors click on a link in your side-bar, your home-page glides down or up to the section that link points to. Pretty attractive effect all around.
Glider is easily customizable too. You can customize the look and feel, your theme’s navigation, and its SEO in the back-end. Your ads can be managed from ePanel too.
Glider may not work great for professional sites, but it does look like a very good option for personal websites. It’s clean and easy to customize.