Wordpress Plugins
6 Awesome S3 Plugins for WordPress
The Amazon S3 service is one of the best cloud storage solutions around. It is not only cheap but very easy to use. If you happen to be an Amazon S3 customer, these 6 plugins can make your life using this service easier:
Backwpup: one of the best cloud backup plugins for WordPress. It lets you send your backup files to Amazon S3, Dropbox, and other cloud storage services.
S3 Video Plugin: enables you to embed the videos stored on S3 in your pages. It makes managing your S3 content easier.
CDN Sync Tool: lets you push and sync your files with your CDN. A number of CDN services are supported.
Amazon S3 for WordPress with CloudFront: uploads your attachments to your S3 account. Provides support for CloudFront too.
Amazon S3 Expiring URL Generator: lets you create auto expiring link to the content you have stored on your site.
ManageWP Worker: allows you to manage multiple WordPress sites from one dashboard. It offers scheduled backups to Amazon S3 and Dropbox too.
The Amazon S3 service is super cheap and user friendly. Thanks to the above plugins, you will have an easier time using this service in your business.