Behance should not need any introduction to creative professionals. You can find plenty of awesome professional portfolios on the site. If you are active on Behance, it makes sense to integrate your Behance projects into your WordPress site. These 5 Behance plugins can help with that:
Behance Portfolio Manager: lets you showcase your Behance projects on your website. It has multiple responsive styles. The plugin gets project details directly from Behance.
Simple Behance Portfolio: lets you list recent projects from a Behance account on your site.
Sexy Author Bio: as the name suggests, this plugin lets you display better looking author bio boxes on your site. It has social icon sets with support for Dribbble, Behance, Vimeo, and other top social networks.
Media Manager Plus: adds support for third party services such as Behance, Facebook, 500px, Instagram, and Flicker to the WordPress Media Manager.
Simple Follow Me Widget: a simple plugin that lets you display social follow buttons on your site. It has buttons for Behance, 500px, Dribbble, and other popular sites for creative professionals.
Have you found better Behance plugins? Please share them here.