Wordpress etiquette
Are you a WordPress douche bag?
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WordPress is dominating the blogging world. Most bloggers don’t even look at other options available, and there is a reason for that. I may be biased but WordPress is the best platform out there. But when you adopt a platform, you have to take the goods with the bad. In the case of WordPress, we are talking about the douche bags. There are plenty of them around. Some of them know they are being jerks, while others are just not educated enough to know what they are doing is wrong.
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You are essentially a WordPress douche bag if:
- personally spam WordPress blogs: every newbie to the marketing world try this technique before learning it the hard way. SEOs keep telling folks about using blogs to get links back to other sites. Well, there is a right way and wrong way to do it. If you just post a stupid comment to get a link back, it’s going to show. Now, you are a class A douche bag if you use an anchor text such as “top web hosts” as your name. That’s like being a douche in a douche bag town.
- spam WordPress blogs, period: you may tell me that you don’t actually spam WordPress blogs by hand. You are actually smart enough to pay some jerk to write a program to automate the process. That makes you the smartest idiot in town.
- you are a troll on other blogs: you may not spam other blogs, but if you go around insulting folks on other blogs, you are definitely a douche. You don’t need to have two big horns to be an idiot. Your actions speak louder. Always respect others’ opinion. Name calling and insulting others is not going to get you anywhere.
- copy others’ ideas without giving credit: I hate copycats. That’s just it. If you copy me, at least give me some credit. I don’t mind that. But if you take my idea, copy it to your site, and don’t even think about giving me a mention, then you are an e-jerk.
- grab contact info without consent: we are entering the black-hat territory here, but there are actually folks out there who grab your e-mail from your “contact us” page and send you unauthorized e-mail. That’s not only wrong but illegal.
- keep reminding me about my typos: evrybody makes meestakes. Don’t try to be a wise-*** by bringing up every single typo that I make on my blog. Nobody’s perfect. Just because I have a few typos here and there doesn’t mean I am an idiot. But by bringing it up, you are going to make me feel like one. Why?
- hotlink to my images: let’s say you go around reading ten blogs a day. Then you see a nice article with an even nicer image on it. You should always ask permission before grabbing the image. Better yet, you should not link directly to that image. Download the image to your own server and link to it. Don’t be a douche!
Did I miss anything? Anyone?

January 13 at 10:42 pm
This artical is spot on. I have over 100 comments marked as spam which are basically the same damn comment, but from "different" people. I dont understand how they even ckme across my sitd, usually the content their spamming me with has nothing to do with the content on my site. Spammer douchebags suck. Btw check out my site LMAO!