Until a few years ago, people relied on cards, letters, and other channels of communication to announce their big news. These days you can always set up a website for your announcement to reach more people. Whether you are interested in announcing the birth of your child or your wedding event, you can do it more effectively online. Here are 5 WordPress announcement themes you can use to set up your site quickly:
Announcement: a template you can use to handle any type of announcement, including birth, graduation, and business announcements.
Invitora: developed specifically for those who want to announce the date of their wedding event and its details online.
Save The Date: another elegant WordPress design for wedding events. It lets couples share their stories with the world.
WordPress Anniversary Theme: a free theme for celebrating anniversaries and special dates. It is widget ready and social media friendly.
Startup Ultimate: this theme targets startup businesses. It has 26 skins and 3 homepage layouts. You can use its “under construction template” to tease the launch of your new products.
Don’t forget there are plenty of plugins you can use to make announcements on your website. The above-mentioned WP templates do work better for those large announcements and special occasions.