35 Best Clone Themes for WordPress

You've got to love what WordPress is all about. Not only is it a killer content management system but it…

Assignment Desk: Editorial Tool for WordPress News Sites

Have you ever wanted to start your very own professional news portal? Maybe you are just tired of going solo…

8 Superb WordPress Themes for Web Hosting Businesses

In the past couple of months, a few folks have reached out to us asking about themes they could potentially…

Pin Posts with Post Admin Shortcuts for WordPress

I don't know about you but I find myself editing some of my posts all the time. Things change in…

10 Must Try Services for WordPress Webmasters

There is more to running a sophisticated portal than just knowing how to install WordPress. As a webmaster, you are…

Rotate Ads on WordPress with AdRotate

Let's face it. Most top websites rely on advertising revenue to stay afloat. Selling or hosting banner ads on sites…

6 Attractive WordPress Themes for Writers

Planning to promote the books you have written in the past online? Creating a website for your books can open…

Add NYTimes.com’s Next Post Feature To WordPress

If you have visited the NY Times' site recently, chances are you have seen the "more articles" box that shows…

5 Cool Landing Page Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is a powerful content management system used by a ton of bloggers around the globe. But it can be…

Enhance WordPress with WP Code Editor Plus

I don't know about you but I make a lot of changes to my themes and plugins from my WordPress…