7 Tablet Friendly Business Themes with Touch Gestures Support

More businesses are now understanding the importance of having sites that are smartphone and tablet friendly. Tablets such as the…

How to Add Like Button to bbPress

We have all seen the Like button on Facebook. Many folks use that button to show their appreciation for great…

9 Cool Malware / Code Scanners for WordPress

Many webmasters do not pay attention to the code in their templates or plugins. If your site has security holes…

WordPress 3.5: Fixing Sharebar PHP Warning: Missing Argument Error

You should always backup your files and take precautions before upgrading your theme and WordPress files. Your code might break…

Automatic Internal Linking in WordPress: 3 Plugins

Most SEOs would tell you that proper internal linking is very important towards helping you maximize your organic traffic. Besides,…

5 Quality Nginx Plugins for WordPress

Many WordPress webmasters run their website on Apache. Apache is a great web server. But it is not exactly great…

SmartStart WP Responsive Business Theme for WordPress

Pulling off the perfect design for your business site can be challenging. You may have to spend a ton of…

40 Best WordPress E-Commerce Themes

Starting your own online shop is one of the best ways to start making money online. Depending on what you…

10 Awesome Responsive Magazine Themes for WordPress

Every year that goes by, more designers and developers understand the importance of releasing responsive products to the market. With…

How to: Limit Access to the WordPress Admin Panel

WordPress consulting is a lucrative business. You don't necessarily have to develop custom plugins or themes to earn money in…