ScrapeAZon: Display Amazon Reviews in WordPress

Many businesses sell their products on, so it would make sense for them to want to display reviews…

Inline Related Posts: Insert Related Posts Inside Your Content

There are plenty of popular and related posts plugins available for WordPress. Not all of them are coded for performance…

4 WordPress Plugins for Pushover Integration

Pushover is a powerful service that makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your iOS or Android device. Various…

How to Import Users Into WordPress from CSV

Have you ever had to move a non-WordPress community to WordPress? The process is not always straight forward. Moving your…

5 WordPress Tweaker Plugins Worth Checking Out

WordPress is a versatile and fairly easy-to-use content management system. Those of you who have studied its ins and outs…

Adding Role-based Help Notes in WordPress

Running a growing WordPress website is not without its challenges. Whether you are working for someone or have multiple team…

LawyerPlus: WordPress Theme for Legal Sites

Not every legal professional works for a large firm. Even if you are running a small legal business, you need…

Cooked Drag & Drop Recipe Plugin

There are plenty of food bloggers around. If you happen to be passionate about recipes and everything food, there is…

Query Monitor for WordPress

Building a fast, flawless WordPress website is not always easy. If your website is suffering from performance issues, you will…

Tracking Code Manager for WordPress

Setting up a new WordPress site is fairly easy. To improve your website in any shape or form, you need…