Neptune : WordPress Theme for Recipe Blogs

Many of us are passionate about finding and trying new recipes. Whether you are a professional chef or a food…

Query Wrangler for WordPress

WordPress already comes with everything you need to build your site. If you know a bit about coding, you could…

BirchPress Scheduler: Online Scheduling Plugin for WordPress

Allowing your customers to book their appointments online and managing your business schedule do not have to be a hassle.…

4 Bulk Edit Plugins for WooCommerce

Many webmasters are using WooCommerce to sell physical and digital products online. Managing a small store is not that hard.…

3 Plugins to Sync Facebook Comments with Your Database

Many webmasters have added Facebook comments to their website. Have you ever wanted to sync Facebook comments to your database?…

Easy Updates Manager for WordPress

WordPress may have made it easier for many of us to bring our businesses online, but running it on your…

How to: Add Collections to WordPress

Many popular websites such as Product Hunt allow their visitors to group their content into collections or save them for…

How To: Change Default Image Links in WordPress

Have you ever added a new image to a post only to realize that it was linked by default? You…

Flow-Flow: Display Your Social Media Stream in WordPress

Many of us are active on multiple social networks. Displaying links to your social profiles is one way to stay…

All-in-One WP Migration Plugin

Have you ever had to migrate your WordPress website from one server or domain to another? The process is not…