Dietitian: WordPress Theme for Nutritionists

Pursing a career as a dietitian can be gratifying as you get to make money and help people change their…

Advanced Post Pagination for WordPress

WordPress already comes with everything you need to share short and long posts with your audience. Have you ever wanted…

Studio Light WordPress Theme for Kickstarter Campaigns

Publishing a campaign to crowdfunding websites is one way to raise funds for your ideas. You will also need to…

WordPress Movies Bulk Importer

So you want to build a website about movies? Adding movies one by one manually is not going to be…

User Submitted Posts for WordPress

There are plenty of popular user-generated content sites around these days. In order to start your own, you need to…

8 Child Care Themes for WordPress

In this day and age, everyone expects to be able to find credible businesses online. That applies to child care…

UpVote: Hacker News Style Viral Theme

Hacker News is a pretty popular community for people who care about computer science, startups, and technology. Want to build…

Bookie: WordPress Theme for Book Sites

Self-publishing books is much easier these days thanks to Amazon and other e-book publishing services. Of course, you don't have…

DW Reactions Pro: Add Facebook-like Reactions To WordPress

In case you haven't noticed yet, Facebook allows people to better express their feelings about each post these days. Want…

Check Amazon Links for WordPress: See Which Products Are In Stock

Many webmasters make money online by promoting Amazon products. You wouldn't want to link to products that are not available…