iPhotor Image Editor for WordPress

Have you ever uploaded photos to your website and wished there was a way to apply filters or make other…

Booking Calendar for WordPress

Many small businesses set a strict limit on the number of customers they would like to serve every day. Whether…

Status Tracking for WordPress: Let Customers Track Orders / Projects

Whether you are a freelancer doing projects for your customers or a small shop selling handmade items, providing your customers…

Vulnerability Alerts: Scan WordPress for Vulnerabilities

Have you ever had your site hacked due to running outdated or vulnerable plugins and scripts? If you manage multiple…

Scrapes: Web Scraper for WordPress

Plenty of people associate web scraping with shady practices. It is possible to use web scrapers to monitor pages and…

Syncope for WordPress: Build Your Own Instagram Like Photo Sharing Site

Photo sharing sites have been around for quite some time. If you have a unique value proposition, there is no…

Access Watch: Security Plugin for WordPress

Popular WordPress websites are a victim of brute force attacks, spam, and malicious requests all the time. While WordPress is…

PlacesDojo Places Directory WordPress Theme

Business directories have been around for a long time. Many have relied on them to find food places, service providers,…

5 Video Popup WordPress Plugins

Many webmasters still use popups for lead generation. In certain cases, it might make sense to show your visitors video…

WP Config File Editor for WordPress

Those of you who have installed WordPress manually on your server have probably spent some time optimizing your WP Config…