Lucky Wheel For WooCommerce

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of cool plugins you can use to reward your customers to…

WooPrice Calculator for WooCommerce

Here is another plugin that lets you do more with on your WooComemrce store. WooPrice Calculator gives you more control…

Coditor: Code Editor for WordPress

I don't know about you but I do most of my PHP editing in notepad or textpad. Some people prefer…

Recommended Products for WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce makes it easy to bring your store online and upload your products. You will still have to promote your…

Auto Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for WordPress

In case you haven't noticed, most top websites have Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages. Writing one from scratch…

Advanced WooCommerce Reporting Plugin

WooCommerce makes it so easy to bring your store online. You will need to analyze the performance of your offers…

Ultimate Before After Slider for WordPress

There are plenty of cool slider plugins available for WordPress. Not all of them allow you to easily share before/after…

WooCommerce Store Pickup Locator Plugin

WooCommerce is a wonderful plugin that makes it easy to bring your store online to sell physical and digital products.…

Post Duplicator for WordPress

In the past few months, we have covered a bunch of plugins that let you duplicate WordPress sites, menus, pages,…

Zigaform: Cost Estimation Form Builder for WordPress

So you would like to create your own estimation forms without major coding? Zigaform is just the plugin for the…