5 Affiliate Disclosure Plugins for WordPress

In the past, many affiliates tried masking their links for various reasons and didn’t even disclose their connections with merchants. It is always better to be as transparent as possible with your readers though. Besides, top affiliate program requires affiliate disclosures these days. Here are 5 WordPress plugins that help you handle just that:

WP Affiliate Disclosure: a handy plugin that lets you disclose your affiliate connections with your audience. You can display your statement at the beginning and end of your posts. It also shows the statement on certain posts.

Affylite: adds an affiliate disclosure and disclaimer to the top of each post. It has a pretty lightweight design.

WP Legal Pages: a handy plugin that generates privacy policy, terms & conditions, and affiliate disclaimers for your website. You simply have to enter your business information, select a legal policy page template and click generate to get started.

MWW Disclaimer Buttons: this plugin lets you mark your sponsored posts and affiliate pages. It also lets you disclose when you have received a free product to review.

Affiliate Link Marker: this plugin marks your affiliate links with a “nofollow sponsored noopener” tag. It also lets you display a disclosure statement at the end of your posts.

Have you found better affiliate disclosure plugins? Please share them here.

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