Add Google Map Pin To Your WordPress Blog with Viva Blogpins

Currently trending WordPress plugins

I am sure you have seen some of these fancy Web 2.0 sites that have an interactive Google Map application that pin-point all kinds of activity on them. These Google Maplets can be very effective as a visual aid for folks, and they are plain cool.

Thanks to the good folks at MediaTricks, you can add these cool maplets to your WordPress blog with a snap of a finger. With Viva Blogpins you can upload images and tag them on your posts. What I like about this plugin is the possibility of using it on WordPress Mu to show all the bloggers that you are using your WordPress multi-user platform. Now, you can probably write a piece of code that does the same thing, but the code is already made available by Mediatricks, so why re-invent the wheel. Here is the link: Viva Blogpins – Download Page

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