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Learn SQL Interactively: 15 Sites

In the past few months, we have covered plenty of sites that can help you learn WP development, PHP, jQuery, CSS, and other web technologies interactively. In order to develop dynamic sites, you need to know a bit of SQL as well. These 15 interactive SQL training sites can help you learn this technology faster:

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code academy

Code Academy: it provides you with lessons and projects to improve your SQL skills. The course covers data manipulation, queries, tables, and functions.

lynda2 this site should need no introduction. It has tutorials on various topics, including WP, PHP, SQL, JavaScript, and other web technologies.


Udemy: if you are looking for premium courses on web technologies, 3D printing, app development, and other topics, Udemy has you covered.


SQLZOO: this guide teaches you the basics of SQL and covers must-know topics such as JOIN operations.


SQLBolt: provides you with interactive lessons and exercises to teach your SQL in your browser.


Codeschool: this course teaches you the basics of data manipulation with SQL. MongoDB is also supported.


Khan Academy on SQL: Khan Academy covers a lot of topics. Their SQL course shows you how to query and manage data.


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Vertabelo Academy: another interactive SQL course that provides you with courses on SQL queries, creating tables, and data operation in SQL.


Coursera: has courses on data science and big data, preparing you for a career in this field.


Udacity: want to learn how to build data-driven web apps? Udacity has you covered. The course teaches you how to interact with a database from a web app.


VTC PostgreSQL: this course gets you familiar with PostgreSQL. It covers installation, data types, queries, transactions, and more advanced topics.


SQooLed: another interactive course that helps you learn SQL by working with a real database. The paid version is available for under $10.


Schemaverse: a space-based strategy game within a a PostgreSQL database that lets you use SQL commands to compete with others.


GalaXQL: this interactive SQL tutorial runs on your web browser and lets you test queries.


W3 Schools: another website that should not need any introduction. Their SQL section covers the language and comes with examples.

Have you found better online SQL tutorials? Please share them here.

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