Wordpress Plugins
Sensei BadgeOS: Offer Digital Badges for Achievements
Sensei happens to be a wonderful digital learning platform. You can use it to put together courses, create quizzes, set lesson prerequisites, and charge for your course content. Many top educational sites offer badges and certifications to their users to keep them motivated. Sensei BadgeOS is a premium extension that adds that feature to your WordPress site.
The Sensei BadgeOS add-on lets you award digital badges to your users when they complete a course, pass a quiz, enroll in a new course, or meet other criteria. You can get a bit creative with it to keep your community motivated to consume more of your content and keep coming back for more.
The plugin lets you reward your users for site and community activity in addition to course completion. Just define the required steps, and you are set. These digital badges can be sent to Credly and shared on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They are Mozilla Open Badge compatible. As mentioned earlier, this is a commercial plugin.