WP Stuff
Handling Featured Image Issues: 5 Plugins
Many magazine, portfolio, and premium WordPress themes rely on featured images to display content in an attractive fashion. In a perfect world, nobody has to deal with any thumbnail issues while using a new WordPress theme, but that’s not reality. Here are 5 plugins you can use to handle featured image issues:
Quick Featured Images: this plugin lets you set, change, and delete featured images in bulk. It is simply a time saver.
Dynamic Featured Image: lets you add multiple featured images to posts, pages, and custom post types. Could prove useful for advanced magazine themes.
Require Featured Image: this plugin requires posts to have a featured image set before they can be published.
Auto Featured Images: these plugins let you add featured images to your WordPress posts automatically. Useful for those of you switching to a new theme that relies heavily on featured images.
Regenerate Thumbnails: when you switch to a new theme, it is always possible to end up with images that need to be resized. This plugin handles that for you.
In some cases, you may have to take drastic measures to fix your featured image issues. But the above plugins should be able to handle most common problems in this area.