6 Best Keyword Research Tools for Blog SEO

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Taking time to set up a WordPress blog is only one part of the story. You should also take time to optimize your posts for the search engines if you want to get free traffic to your blog posts and take your blog to the next level. But in order to do that, you are going to need a decent keyword tool that provides you with accurate keyword stats and data. You can always use Google Adwords tool, but if you are ready to take your blog to the next level, here are 6 keyword research tools you should try:

SpyFu: one of the best tools I have ever tried. This tool helps you figure out what other sites are trying to get ranked for and how you can too. Download your competitors keywords in minutes and get an edge over them fast.


Wordze: one of the better “classic” keyword research tools on the market. It tells you what keywords are getting how much traffic. A great way to find those hidden gems and optimize for keywords that are not too tough to get ranked for.

WordTracker: has been around for years. It’s a great tool if you are looking to expand your keyword list and find new keywords to target on your website.

Keyword Discovery: another useful keyword research tool for bloggers and marketers. It uses a different set of data than WordTracker. Most professional SEOs have a subscription to both of them.

Keyword Country: this is one of those tools that is not getting too much attention but is very powerful. Since a lot of marketers uses this tool to find keywords to bid on Adwords and other search engines, this is a must try for those who intend to make money from Adsense.

Keyword Spy: one of the most powerful keyword spying tools on the market. It’s a bit more pricey than SpyFu, but it provides you with a more useful set of data. If you intend to promote affiliate products on your blog or just want to find out what keywords people are bidding on, this tool comes in handy.

What’s your favorite keyword research tool?

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