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4 Cool Twitter Resources To Help You Become a Tweetmaster

Twitter has quickly become “THE” community to be a part of. Not only it’s a great community to network with others and build relationships, but it can help drive lots of traffic to your blog as well. So if you have a WordPress blog, you can’t afford not to be involved on Twitter. But Twitter is more than just talking about what you are doing every minute or what you plan to eat for lunch. It’s about connecting with others and providing them with content that makes them want to come back for more. Perhaps the best way to get a handle on Twitter is learn from the masters. Thankfully, many top Twitter experts have written books or created courses on this very topic. So as long as you are willing to spend some time to get through them, you should have no trouble becoming a tweetmaster.

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If you are looking for a killer resource to take your Twitter game to the next level, here are 4 cool resources (and books) you should consider reviewing:

The Twitter Book: a book by the legendary Tim O’reilly. It’s one of the best Twitter books around. The book shows you how to get started with Twitter and how to effectively push your business and brand on Twitter.

Twitter Power: Joel Comm needs no introduction. His Adsense books dominated the best sellers charts for long. Twitter Power shows you exactly what you need to do to dominate the world of Twitter.

Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets: not only shows you how to get started with Twitter and manage your business and personal Twitter accounts, but it also shows you how to use 3rd party apps to gain more followers and reach out to more people on Twitter.

Twitter API – Up and Running: this is a book for advanced tweeters. It helps you get a handle on Twitter API and write your own Twitter programs. If you are looking to get more out of Twitter, this is a book you should read.

There you have it. 4 cool books that help you not only master the art of tweeting but also get started with Twitter programming. No blogger can afford not to be a part of Twitter.

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