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25 WordPress Facebook Plugins You Shouldn’t Ignore


It feels like yesterday when Facebook was launched. But it has quickly become one of the biggest social communities around the world with millions of people using it on a daily basis. If you have your own WordPress blog, you should not ignore Facebook. Thankfully, there are lots of Facebook plug-ins that you can use to integrate Facebook into your blog:

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  • Facebook Connect: Facebook connect WordPress plug-in makes it easy for you to bring Facebook to your blog. If the guys at Tech Crunch use FB Connect, there is no reason you shouldn’t!
  • Facebook Photos: Show your Facebook photos right on your blog without too much fuss.
  • Wordbook: post your blogs to your Facebook wall.
  • Facebook Dashboard Widget: brings Facebook data right to your WordPress blog.
  • Socialize Me!: add your blog posts to Facebook and other social networking sites.
  • StatusPress: Facebook updates on your blog.
  • Fotobook: show your Facebook photos on WordPress.
  • Friend Bookmarklet: detect Facebook users on your blog.
  • WP Facebox: display your Facebook images using Facebox.
  • Add To Facebook: allow others to add your posts to Facebook.
  • Social Profiles: Social Profiles allows you to add social network profile links to the comments of your users.
  • Facelook: Display a Facebook Badge in your sidebar.
  • Wassup: track your visitors like a pro.
  • Facebook Status Widget: show your Facebook status on your blog.
  • Lifestream: show your social media updates on your blog.
  • WP Greet Box: greet different welcome messages to folks from different social communities.
  • WPBook: integrate WordPress with your Facebook account.
  • Social Homes: proudly display Facebook and other social media favicons on your blog.
  • PrefPass Universal Login and Registration: allow your users to log on using their Facebook info.
  • Facebook Posted Items: fetch your posted items from Facebook and show them on your blog.
  • Publish To Facebook: Publishes posts, pages or both to your Facebook Mini-Feed directly from WordPress.
  • Facebook Share Preview: add meta-data to your media files.
  • DandyID Services: display your Facebook information on your WordPress blog.
  • QuailPress: another plug-in that allows your users to share your posts on their Facebook accounts.
  • Fresh From FriendFeed and Twitter: post unique content to your blog from Friendfeed and Twitter. Connect your Facebook account to this plug-in and you are all set.

Did I miss anything?

🛠️ Divi Builder drag & drop page builder for WP

P.S. please link if you like 🙂

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  1. Rasmuw Hill

    March 25 at 5:36 pm

    I have been blogging for since january 2009 and had to learn

    a lot of things through trial and error. I am currently

    reading to your training blog and finding it to be very informative.

    For anyone that is thinking of starting a training blog I highly recommend this is a good one.

  2. Pingback: Best WordPress Social Media Plugins - 90 Social Media Tools for WordPress | Wordpress Jedi

  3. koren

    February 17 at 9:59 pm

    Thank you

    add to facebook plugin works for my blog

  4. noqnix

    February 17 at 8:03 pm

    I have tried few plugin above but Publish To Facebook plugin is working well

    Thank you

  5. Dora

    March 4 at 2:23 am


    I just Googled "FB Plugins for WordPress" and you came out at the top of the search results, so you must have some good knowledge within this area – so would you be able to answer my question?

    I have seen a blog that was using a plugin where by, instead of placing a comment (like here) it automatically detects you are a facebook user and displays your facebook profile picture – then you leave a comment which posts to your wall and on the blog.

    A) Have you any idea what this may be called?

    B) Would it be giving away loads of juice from the page (SEO concern) by having so many comments which point back to facebook?

    Would appreciate your thoughts.



  6. Wordpress Jedi

    March 4 at 12:46 am

    @Dora You are talking about this?

    If you provide me with a URL, I can tell you more about what code they are using. No matter how hard one tries, you can always figure out what plugins/scripts they are using 🙂

    As far as SEO, I have used Facebook comments on some of my other sites. While they do not necessarily lead to better rankings, the likes and interactions my sites get have helped my other businesses. But the fact that the comments may not be indexable is a huge issue. I encourage you to read on this piece:

    As far as the comment system I would recommend, I would recommend Intense Debate. It gives you the best of all worlds. But you may have already tried that.

  7. Creek Stewart

    March 10 at 11:36 pm

    Hello. Thanks for the info. I like the share plugin you are using on this blog post – where it is down the left of the post. Is this a WordPress plugin? If so, what is it? Thanks so much for your time?


    • Wordpress Jedi

      March 11 at 1:39 am

      @Creek Are you talking about Digg Digg?

  8. Paul Nyoman

    April 14 at 12:44 am

    Thank you for nice info, and I've found a lot of worth full things here.

    I'll try to use it for my web


  9. Vincent

    April 16 at 11:58 pm

    I couldn't agree more. No one would know about a person's blog without Facebook. Facebook has managed to get people connected with one another.

  10. Karol

    October 10 at 3:26 am

    Thanks for this Facebook WordPress Plugin roundup!

    • Cyrus

      October 10 at 9:56 am

      Thanks Karol. 🙂

  11. Facebook Lozinke

    January 2 at 7:06 am

    Facebook to blog is the best thing for bloggers. It is perfect method to save time. It is something like Zemanta reblogging.

  12. Kim

    April 1 at 7:34 pm

    What is your take on using OnlyWire? I use it and it sends my posts to over 30 social media sites as soon as I hit publish. You can link it into your WordPress account with a plugin called OnlyWire for WordPress [OFFICIAL]. I use it and so far I am liking it and have no need for all of the individual plugins anymore. Thank you for your post about all of the cool stuff you can do with facebook, I really appreciate it!
    Many Blessings!

  13. Franny

    August 23 at 1:38 pm

    Are there any plug-ins that let me post photos to Facebook FROM WordPress? I know I can sync up blog posts with a page, but they're always attached links. I need a plug-in that will auto-upload whatever the post's featured image is, and post it as an image post on the Facebook wall. Images have a lot more viral potential than link attachments. I'm surprised I haven't found this yet. Anyone else?

    • Fares Nader

      November 11 at 4:47 pm

      did you found anything?

  14. Wilco de Kreij

    November 29 at 3:22 am

    You asked whether you missed anything.. Quite frankly, I think you missed WP4FB 2.0 🙂 Have a look at and decide for yourself 😉

  15. Marian

    July 29 at 11:26 am

    What do you think about the SEO by Yoast plug in? I just started using that tool, and it seems pretty robust. But thanks for these new tools!

    • Cyrus

      July 29 at 3:45 pm

      The plugin is a good one especially if you get the Video Module too. We use it on many of our sites.

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